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Parts Publications

Land Rover Parts Publications

Bird's Eye View

Parts Books are like gold mines for people looking for original, classic parts. Certain classic car parts are frequently out of manufacture or challenging to get at your neighbourhood auto parts store. Parts books are thorough catalogues enumerating every part and component utilised in a specific antique car model. They offer part numbers, comprehensive pictures, and details on pieces that work well together. A parts book will help you quickly locate the right part for your classic car, verify its authenticity, and preserve its historical worth.

Land Rover Parts Publications


Land Rover Series Models 1948 to 1985 (LTP3001)

Parts Publications

Series I

Parts Catalogue - Series I 1948-53 – 80 (4051)

Parts Catalogue - Series I 1954-58 - 86, 88 107 & 109 Petrol & Diesel models (4107)


Series II

Parts Catalogue - Series II 1958 to 1961 - Petrol & Diesel models (605957)

Parts List - Series II 1958 to 1961 Military 1/4 Ton Truck & Station Wagon (4642)

Parts Catalogue - Series IIA 1961-68 - Bonneted Control models (605957)

Cumulative Amendment No. 1- 2 1/4 litre 4 Cyl. Petrol & 2.6 litre 6 Cyl. Petrol - 1961 to 1969 (605957-No1)

Parts Catalogue - Series IIA - Bonneted Control models – 1961 to 1971 (RTC9840CC)

Parts Book - Series IIA & IIB - Forward Control models – 1961 to 1971 (608218)

Parts List - Series IIA 1961 to 1964 Military 1/4 Ton Truck & Station Wagon (4642)

Parts Catalogue Supplement - Series IIA 88 USA Spec. – 1967 to 1969 (606494)


Series III

Parts Catalogue - Series III - 1971 to 1985 (RTC9841CE)

Parts Fiche - Series III - 1971 to 1985 (RTC9841FAO)

Parts Catalogue Supplement - Series 88 USA Spec. (606494)

Parts Catalogue Military Series III 24V 2 1/4 Litre Petrol F.F.R. - 1971 to 1985 (S-2342-RHD)

Supplementary Parts Catalogue - Military Series III 24V 3.5 Petrol F.F.R. 60 amp - 1984 to 1985 (S-2520)


88” Half Ton Military

Parts Catalogue 1/2 Ton Truck GS, FFR Series IIA (Army) - 1968 to 1971 (L-446 1)

Parts Fiche - 1/2 Ton Series Military Vehicle – 1971 to 1984 (RTC9968FA)


101” One Tonne Military

Parts Book - 101 One Tonne Forward Control Military 1975 to 1978 (608294B)


Unipart Parts for Land Rovers

Unipart Catalogue- Parts for Land Rovers (MMM2078)


Optional & Special Equipment

Approved Implements, Accessories and Special Vehicles (approved)

Approved Implements, Accessories and Special Vehicles (Early Version) (early)

Approved Implements, Accessories and Special Vehicles (1968 Version) (643F)

Land Rover Optional Equipment Booklet Series IIA - 1961 to 1971 (605635)

Parts Fiche - Optional Equipment - Series IIA & III – 1961 to 1985 (RTC9842FAI)

Proprietary Equipment and Special Conversions (779-4-70

Land Rover & Range Rover Proprietary Equipment & Special Conversions (R-1070)

Parts Brochure - Approved Special Equipment– Series IIA, Series III & Range Rover - 1971 to 1985 (approvedspecialequipment)

Special Service Tools (VLC-1934-9-78)


Range Rover Classic 1970 to 1995 (LTP3002)

Parts Publications

Parts Catalogues – Range Rover Classic - 1970 to 1985

Parts Catalogue - Range Rover Classic - 1970 to 1971 (606919)

Parts Catalogue - Range Rover Classic - 1970 to 1985 (RTC9846CH)


Parts Catalogues – Range Rover Classic (Not North America) - 1986 to 1995

Electronic Parts Catalogue - Range Rover Classic (Not North America) - 1986 to 1991 (RTC9908EPC)

Electronic Parts Catalogue - Range Rover Classic (Not North America) - 1992 to 1995 (RTC9961EPC)


Parts Catalogues – Range Rover Classic (North America) - 1987 to 1995

Parts Fiche - Range Rover Classic (North America) - 1987 to 1992 (RTC9933FZ)

Parts Microfiche - Range Rover Classic (North America) - 1993 to 1995 (RTC9964FP)


Description & Application

Special Equipment Catalogues – Range Rover Classic (specialequipment)

Parts Brochure - Approved Special Equipment– 1970 to 1985 (approved special equipment)

Special Service Tools (VLC-1934-9-78)

Land Rover & Range Rover Proprietary Equipment & Special Conversions (R-1070-01)

Unipart Catalogue – Parts for Land Rovers (MMM2078)


Land Rover 90, 110, 127 & Defender 90, 110 & 130 1983 to 2006 (LTP3003)

Parts Publications (parts)

Parts Catalogue - 90 - 1984 to 1986 (RTC9868CE)

Parts Catalogue - 110 - 1983 to 1986 (RTC9863CE)

Parts Fiche - 110 - 1983 to 1986 (RTC9863FAG)

Parts Fiche - 90, 110, 127 & Defender 90, 110 & 130 - 1984 to 2002 (STC9021FZ)

Parts Fiche - Defender 90 & 110 V8i NAS - 1993 to 1997 (RTC9962FP)

Parts Fiche - 90, 110 and Defender Military Models - 1984 to 1995 (STC9023FA)

Parts Fiche - Defender 90 XD and 110 XD Military Models - 1995 to 1999 (STC9038FG)


Land Rover Discovery Series I 1989 to 1999 (LTP3004)

Parts Publications (parts)

Parts Fiche – Not North America - 1989 to 1998 (RTC9947FAL)

Parts Fiche – North America - 1994 to 1999 (RTC9971FR)


Range Rover (38a) 1994-2001 (LTP3005)

Parts Publications (parts)

Parts Fiche - Range Rover (38a) 1994-2001 (STC9970FAB)

Parts Book - Range Rover (38a) North America 1994-2001 (STC9019CC)

Parts Fiche - Range Rover (38a) North America 1994-2001 (STC9019FAA)


Land Rover Discovery Series II 1999 to 2004 (LTP3006)

Parts Publications (parts)

Parts Fiche - Land Rover Discovery Series II 1999 to 2004 (STC9049FN)

Land Rover Discovery Series II 1999 to 2004 North America (STC9050CC)

Parts Fiche - Land Rover Discovery Series II 1999 to 2004 North America(STC9050FM)


Land Rover Freelander Series I 1998 to 2006 (LTP3007)

Parts Publications (parts)

Parts Fiche - Land Rover Freelander Series I 1998 to 2002 (STC9046FP)

Parts Book - Land Rover Freelander Series I 2001 to 2002 North America (STC9209CC)

Parts Fiche - Land Rover Freelander Series I 2001 to 2002 North America (STC9209FC)


Range Rover (L322) 2002 to 2006 (LTP3008)

Parts Publications (parts)

Parts Fiche - Range Rover (L322) 2002 to 2006 North America (STC9210FA)


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